Synergy Hire Ltd recognizes the importance of identifying and preventing modern slavery and its causes in our business and supply chain.
This statement, our second made under Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, sets out the steps we have taken to address Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in our business and supply chain in the year to 31 March 2023.
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as harsh or inhumane treatment, slavery, corporal punishment, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, debt bonded and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
Synergy Hire Ltd is a plant rental business with its Head Office being in Dunham’s Lane, Letchworth, Herts, SG6 1LL supporting 4 depot locations in Kent Hants, Midlands, and Wiltshire. We are majority owned by Hitachi Construction Machinery Ltd with responsibility of legal compliance remaining with the Directors of Synergy Hire Ltd. Synergy Hire Ltd employs circa 75 directly employed employees as at 31/03/2023.
The company’s registered office being, Room 73, The Mansion House, Wrest Park, Silsoe, Beds, MK45 5HR.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
The company has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings. We recognise that slavery is not just an ethical and human rights issue, it is one of criminality and we understand that corruption is a key factor and driver of exploitation. As part of our corporate governance agenda, we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships, conducting business in a way that minimises the risk of slavery or human trafficking in our own business and in our supply chains as much as possible.
We also strive to engage employees in understanding why addressing modern slavery is important and how to identify and act on indicators of slavery. The company has implemented Slavery & Human Trafficking and Human Rights policies aimed at preventing the use of any supplies or services within the organisation which do not conform within the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Supply Chain
Our approach to Human Rights is to create a value chain where the Human Rights of all stakeholders are respected, we seek to align with suppliers who actively address modern slavery regulations.
Our supply chain comprises of parts, transport, fuels and other forms of construction equipment from predominantly UK based companies. We aim to source parts and materials from local suppliers to ensure the delivery of our services remain at a high level to our customers. We acknowledge this is an ongoing process and, in common with other companies will face challenges. We collaborate with our supply chain and other stakeholders to overcome challenges and to ensure that our due diligence process is effective.
Respecting human rights and environmental conditions is at the forefront of our decision making. All prospective suppliers are subject to our Supplier Evaluation Process which enables Synergy Hire ltd to assess the suitability of any company wishing to supply products or services to us and therefore become a part of our supply chain. The company is formulating ongoing audits of our supply chain to ensure compliance and our expectations are met.
Staff Involvement and Training
The Company’s Board of Directors have approved this policy. Managers of the company are required to act where concerns are reported whether from inside or outside the business. All employees are made aware of the company’s Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy and the importance of complying with the requirements. To ensure proper understanding of the risks posed by modern slavery and human trafficking.
All employees are issued with guidance and copies of all policies for the business including whistleblowing. Lines of communication are available for confidential and anonymous reporting. Policies are available to all employees via our IT network and are discussed during the staff induction process.
Ongoing Progress
Continue to educate and train employees through the Sustainability School.
Engage with trainers who can provide relevant course work for continued learning. Continuing and improving our new and existing supplier evaluations that require each supplier to commit to our standards.
Future Plans for 2023/24
Appointed a new Quality Manager who will work closely with our procurement team to undertake supplier auditing and monitoring. Provide extra training to all managers and relevant stakeholders. Sustainability Risk Assessment: We aim to conduct audits of our current suppliers to monitor and confirm their Compliance, Sustainability, Quality, Health & Safety, Legal and Social Responsibility requirements are in place and in line with the standards of Synergy Hire Ltd.
Breaches of this Policy
Should you believe or suspect a breach of this policy has occurred, or may occur, you must notify your line manager immediately or report it in accordance with our Whistleblowing Policy or other confidential means open to you.
Related Company Policies
COMP03 – Ethical Sourcing
COMP07 – Business Partner Due Diligence
COMP11 – Whistleblowing
COMP16 – Communication
COMP19 – Complaints
HR02 – Equal Opportunity
HR09 – Recruitment and Induction
HR13 – Social Values